Md Abdul Awal

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Md Abdul Awal is a network engineer and a trainer. He is experienced in network design and operations having worked for a national CSIRT, transit provider, Data Centers, NREN, ISPs and IXPs. He is a frequent participant and trainer at APRICOT, APNIC, SANOG and several other NOGs.

Adli Wahid

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Adli joined APNIC in February 2014, bringing with him extensive experience and technical leadership in cyber security. He is APNIC’s security evangelist, spearheading security outreach, engagement, and collaboration with the regional community. Adli was elected in 2015 as a member of the Board of Directors.

Jamie Gillespie

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Jamie Gillespie is a Senior Internet Security Specialist at APNIC, where he focuses on security training, outreach, and the development of Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs), network operators, and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) throughout the 56 economies that make up the Asia Pacific region. His work supports APNIC’s vision of fostering “A global, open, stable, and secure Internet.”

With over 26 years of IT experience, 22 of those dedicated to Information Security, Jamie has built an extensive career in the industry. He began at the backbone Internet provider UUNET Canada before holding various information security roles at organizations such as AusCERT, Google, and Macquarie Cloud Services. Jamie is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP), and a Certified Professional Member of the Australian Computer Society (MACS CP (Cyber Security)).

As a respected figure in his field, Jamie is an Honorary Life Member of the Australian Information Security Association (AISA).

When not travelling or conducting training sessions, Jamie collaborates with all stakeholders at APNIC to secure the organization’s people, processes, and technology, and led the work for APNIC’s successful certification to the ISO 27001 standard for Information Security Management Systems.

An accomplished international presenter, Jamie shares his expertise on a wide range of topics, encompassing incident response, technical, physical, and management security. He has also been featured in interviews across various media platforms, including television, radio, and print.