Changqing An

Changqing An received the Master degree in computer science and technology from Tsinghua University. After graduation, she joined the Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University in 1996 and she now is an Associate Professor. Her research focuses are the basic theory, key technologies of network management and measurement, routing monitoring, and traffic analyzing.
Herbert Wolverson

Herbert has worked in software development and consulting since the 1990s, and was a hobbyist developer in the 1980s. Starting with BASIC and Pascal, working through C. C++, a host of other languages, Herbert now teaches Rust for Ardan Labs and helps run a small wireless Internet Service Provider in central Missouri.
With LibreQoS, Herbert has helped extend the scalability and featureset of our product, working closely with Dave Taht and Robert Chacon to create a product that can immediately help Internet equity in underserved regions.
Md Rashedul Hasan

Md Rashedul Hasan is a System Admin at Apple Communications. I am responsible for developing strategies and doing research on System and Server My area of interests are DNS, NMM, Network Automation and Network Security. I have over 10 years of experience in the IT industry, holding various roles as Engineer, Trainer, Consultant, and Operations Management. I am an active speaker (BdNOG, APRICOT, SANOG, APIX, MMNOG) and share my knowledge.
Imtiaz Sajid

Imtiaz Sajid is a Network Analyst / Network Trainer. He has worked for Internet Service Providers (ISP) and managed service provider as Network Operation, Capacity Planning and Network Design Engineer to to provide L3/L4 support, managed services, design and capacity planning, testing, deployment and swap of IP network.
Affan Basalamah

Affan Basalamah is an IT Network & Telecom consultant who works for various corporations, ranging from higher education institutions and Islamic multinational business corporations to the largest telecommunications operator in Indonesia.
Elly Tawhai

Elly Tawhai is a Senior Internet Resource Analyst for APNIC. She is responsible for working with resource holders to process resource allocation requests, which is the core operation of APNIC. As a senior internet resource analyst her role extends to evaluating and analysing network plans from members and the community and making appropriate decisions for the distribution of the Internet resources throughout the region.
Elly also acts as the Liaison Officer of APNIC to members and stakeholders in the Pacific region and an associate trainer supporting the APNIC training team.
Akira Kato

Akira Kato joined JUNET, UUCP based email network, in 1985, and one of the epoch members of WIDE Project, which is one of the first Internet Projects in Japan in 1987. He has been working for M-Root operation since 1997 when M-Root was moved to Tokyo. He also involved university campus network development and operation in Keio University, Shonan Fujisawa campus, as well as the University of Tokyo. He moved to Keio University Graduate school of Media Design in 2008.
Martin Pels

Martin is a Senior System Engineer at RIPE NCC. He is part of the team that operates the K-Root and RIPE NCC Authoritive DNS services, as well as the Routing Information Service (RIS). Martin is co-founder of NLNOG RING.
Lars-Johan Liman

Lars-Johan holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. His career started at the Network Operations Centre at the KTH where he contributed to the operation of the DNS servers, especially Lars-Johan’s keen interest in the DNS soon made him responsible for the service, and when Netnod AB was formed as a spin-off from the university to take over the operation of infrastructure services (including I-root), he became its first employee. Lars-Johan remains in charge of the service, which nowadays encompasses 75+ service points around the globe. His involvement with the community has carried him to leading positions in committees within the IETF and ICANN, and he is involved wherever root-server operations is discussed.
Joshua Riesenweber

Joshua is an experienced Technical Director at Division 5, working with organisations across a range of industries, including critical infrastructure, health, defence, finance, energy, government, tertiary education, and more. He is passionate about the security community, business operations, technical leadership, and process improvement. He serves as a board member for non-profit organisations and helps enable business transformation through cyber security. He also serves on the CREST International Council – a non-profit organisation focused on raising professional standards and delivering measurable quality assurance for the global cyber security industry.