Root Server Deployment and Operations

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Course Overview

In this course, three industry experts will be sharing their knowledge and experiences with root server deployment and operations.   

Firstly, Martin Pels will introduce the DNS Root Server System. During this talk he will describe the different types of root servers, and some of the (technical) details involved in running a DNS Root Server before concluding with recommendations for ISPs on how to contribute to a healthy Root Server ecosystem. 

Following this, Akira Kato will discuss how M-Root DNS Server started "small anycast" installation especially in Asia Pacific Region with APNIC. This talk will start with a brief overview of its traditional operational model, followed by the goal of "small anycast" sites. It will also explain the current model, status, and future plans.  

Our final speaker, Lars-Johan Liman, will share insights gained from 30 years' operating a Root Name Server. recently celebrated 30 years of continuous operation. This talk illustrates some of the challenges with operating a root name server and how these challenges have changed over time. 

This course will cover the following topics:

Speaker One: Martin Pels  

  • Root Servers and the DNS hierarchy 
  • Root Server Operations 
  • What ISPs can do to contribute 
  • Speaker Two: Akira Kato  

  • Root DNS server operation 
  • Characteristics of Anycast 
  • Small Anycast operational model 
  • Speaker Three: Lars-Johan Liman 

  • Volunteer cooperation and collaboration work well as pillars for Internet's infrastructure. 
  •  Political issues have always been a factor for operators of core Internet infrastructure and continue to be so. 
  • Evolving business models make it harder to provide infrastructure services free of charge. 
  • Hội thảo trực tuyến sắp tới

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