How to Stand Up Fun Incident Response Exercises with Zero Experience

Để xemHow to Stand Up Fun Incident Response Exercises with Zero Experience, bạn cần phải Đăng nhập hoặc Đăng ký với Học viện APNIC.

Course Overview

This course will teach you how to utilise publicly available resources to create fast and fun tabletop discussion exercises, without any previous experience. This course will discuss gamifying the experience, and where to find examples to create your scenarios. At the end of the course, you will be able to stand up scenarios to train your response teams in an enjoyable and engaging way.

This course will cover the following topics:

  • Why should we practice Incident Response
  • High level definitions and overview of incident handling process
  • What you should have in your tabletop scenario toolkit
  • Key parts of the tabletop session
  • Putting it all together – what the end looks like
  • Hội thảo trực tuyến sắp tới

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