Building your own switch with P4 (Part 2)

Building your own switch with P4 (Part 2) үзэхийн тулд та АPNIC Академид Нэвтрэх эсвэл Бүртгүүлэх Хэрэгтэй.

Course Overview

Utilizing the P4Pi project, the course begins with an overview of the P4 language, a deeper dive into architecture definitions and the available P4 target ecosystem. There will also be hands-on P4 programming experience as part of the course.

This course will cover the following topics:

  • Overview of the P4 language
  • Deeper dive into architecture definitions
  • Hands on P4 programming experience
  • Discover and understand programmable data planes

  • Удахгүй болох вебинар

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