Automating and Securing Route Servers with IXP Manager

Automating and Securing Route Servers with IXP Manager үзэхийн тулд та АPNIC Академид Нэвтрэх эсвэл Бүртгүүлэх Хэрэгтэй.

Course Overview

IXP Manager is the most trusted IXP platform worldwide, powering almost 200 exchanges today. It's also free and open source. Route servers are essential IXP infrastructure and one of IXP Manager's central features is the generation of a MANRS-compliant configuration, supporting both IRRDB and RPKI filtering and a built in looking glass.

In this course, we will look at deploying a route server using IXP Manager supporting all the features mentioned.

This course will cover the following topics:

  • How to add basic data objects (facilities, racks, switches, IP addresses)
  • How to add members and member interfaces for use with the route server
  • How to add a route server within IXP Manager and an explanation of the various options
  • Installation of Bird, an RPKI validator and managing IRRDB entries
  • Use of IXP Manager's configuration to export a route server configuration and how to use that with Bird
  • Удахгүй болох вебинар

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