Aris Cahyadi Risdianto
APNIC Community Trainer
Aris Cahyadi Risdianto
Aris is a former systems and network professional in the telecommunications field who has been involved in designing, implementing, migrating, and maintaining IP-based networks for enterprises and service providers. He is experienced in working with system/network vendors and mobile/cable-based telecommunications operators. He has been serving as an ambassador for the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) since 2018 and was a part of the ambassadors’ steering committee team in 2019 and 2023. Currently, he is actively working on building software-based solutions and testing environments for Future Internet, Cloud Computing, and Cyber Security.
Aris shares his knowledge as a volunteer community trainer.
Ур чадвар & Мэргэшлүүд
- Internet Routing
- Сүлжээний хамгаалалт
- Сургагч