How to set up Router/OS 7 and ROV

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Course Overview

RPKI uptake can be hindered by vendor support or the ageing infrastructure of a service provider lacking support for the basic processes of ROV. In version six of Mikrotik’s Router/OS there is no current support for RPKI. However in version seven, there is now full support for RPKI including scripted responses to ROV validation results.

In this course, we look at the new features available on Router/OS 7 that impact RPKI on the MIKROTIK platform. This includes new routing filter rule syntax and making a simple TCP connection to an RPKI server running Routinator.  The demonstration uses a pair of CHR instances with a single BGP session exchange of valid and invalid ROAs.

Course Outline

This course will cover the following topics:

  • RPKI/ROA/ROV overview
  • Mikrotik Router/OS v7 what’s new and different
  • Routinator/Router/OS v7 demo

Course Materials