Joshua Riesenweber

Joshua is an experienced Technical Director at Division 5, working with organisations across a range of industries, including critical infrastructure, health, defence, finance, energy, government, tertiary education, and more. He is passionate about the security community, business operations, technical leadership, and process improvement. He serves as a board member for non-profit organisations and helps enable business transformation through cyber security. He also serves on the CREST International Council – a non-profit organisation focused on raising professional standards and delivering measurable quality assurance for the global cyber security industry.
Security Assurance In the Internet of Things
IoT, IIoT, embedded devices, and control systems face unique challenges as compared to traditional corporate ICT infrastructure. And while approaches to ICT security assurance has advanced over recent years, IoT is still rapidly growing. Building mature security strategies for IoT infrastructure presents many unique challenges for both vendors and organisations. This presentation will look at emerging standards, methodologies, and approaches to securing and testing IoT infrastructure.
This webinar will cover the following topics:
- Setting the Stage for IoT Security
- Assurance Strategies
- Risk Management
- Security Program Development
- Security Architecture
- Open questions