Linux Skills: Master SED, FIND, AWK, GREP, and More!
Course Overview
This course explores the power of SED, FIND, AWK, GREP, and other essential text manipulation tools. You will get practical advice and real-world examples to enhance your understanding.
Course Outline
This course will cover the following topics:
- Unleash SED’s Potential: Learn stream editing, pattern matching, and advanced techniques with practical examples.
- Harness FIND’s Power: Discover precise file and directory searching, from basics to complex queries.
- Master AWK for Data: Explore AWK’s capabilities in data extraction, processing, and reporting.
- Unearth Gems with GREP: Revolutionize text searching with powerful regular expressions and combination commands.
Course Material
Building your own switch with P4 (Part 2)
Utilizing the P4Pi project, the course begins with an overview of the P4 language, a deeper dive into architecture definitions and the available P4 target ecosystem. There will also be hands-on P4 programming experience as part of the course.
This course will cover the following topics:
Utilising the P4Pi project, we begin with an overview of the P4 language, a deeper dive into architecture definitions and available P4 target ecosystem. For hands on P4 programming experience, we begin with Example #1 and go as far as time will allow. Group learning — let’s discover and understand programmable data planes by building our own together.
Looking Lower- Programmable Data Planes (Part 1)
The webinar covers how the next steps in Software Defined Networks and programmable data planes unlock a world of new possibilities, starting with the logical function of a switching chip and ending with hands-on tasks using the industry standard P4 language (
This course will cover the following topics:
– We begin with understanding logical operation of an ethernet switching chip packet processing through the Match Action Table abstraction.
-Then cover the concept of architecture definitions and the deep value of a programming language as a domain specific abstraction to express processing logic.
-Then “You wouldn’t download an MPLS stack”: Artisanal encapsulations & other fun tricks with PDPs