DWDM Fundamentals (Part 1)

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This course will cover the fundamentals of DWDM technology. A brief introduction to the terminologies and elements of DWDM will be discussed.


This course will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to Fiber
  • Fiber Characteristics
  • Introduction to WDM
  • DWDM
  • DWDM for Advanced Network
  • 100G & Beyond

Course Materials

Operational & Planning Aspects of DWDM (Part 2)

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Course Overview

In this course, we will discuss key aspects of planning and operating a DWDM network. Different operational tools will be discussed, along with a couple of case studies to explain troubleshooting issues in a DWDM network.

Course Outline

This course will cover the following topics:

  • Planning Aspects
  • Operational Aspects
  • Case Study-1
  • Case Study-2

Course Materials